JJ Claim & Dispute’s Core Values are “Safety”, ”Win-Win”, “Ethics” and “Creativity”. “Safety” means that utmost priority is given to respect for people, and position holders should take the lead in encouraging routine safe behavior with a focus on actions. “Win-Win” means to practice having consideration for and sharing with others, pursue mutual prosperity, and continuously grow by creating social values. “Ethics” means to seek ethical behavior based on the mutual trust between members of society and abide by the principle of reward and punishment. “Creativity” means to take the lead in solving problems by cooperating openly with an open mind.

We strive to actively contribute to the development of a robust industrial ecosystem by creating symbiotic values to ensure a win-win relation with our business partners. As a member of society, we actively participate in addressing social issues beyond economic profit and foster a happy and fulfilling workplace by creating a corporate culture of trust and creativity.